9/11/2019; Week 8: Response to "Deep Culture in the Elementary Classroom".
Hi everyone! Very interesting are the studies that have been carried out to try to explain the high or low performance of a society or an individual. What elements could contribute to a person's high performance? It is not that one culture is better than another, that one is more advanced than the other, it goes far beyond that. According to studies, the most highly creative people are those who have been exposed (from a very young age) to cultural diversity. Studies have also shown that the acquisition of a second language increases academic achievement, our verbal ability, etc. So, how can we take advantage of this information to be better language teachers? As Pythagoras once said, "man is the measure of all things"; as individuals, our culture is influenced by many things, external and internal agents. We can interpret an event in different ways, according to our culture and cultural paradigms The psychologist Albert Ellis, gives a formula so that as teacher...