5/29/2019; Week 6: Response to "Attributional Tendencies".
At this point, we will talk about attributions, which reminds me of a saying in my country that says: "...it depends on which eye you look at it with". And so it is, attributional tendencies indicate that we attribute to them our successes, our failures, and the success and failure of others. That tendency we have sometimes to judge ourselves harshly by things beyond our understanding or our control. In most of our countries, when we succeed, we entrust it to ourselves, to our efforts, dedication, and tenacity, but our failures are always going to be other people's fault. In the case of other people, after the success of an individual, we think that he had it easy, that he has connections, that he had a lot of luck, etc. Faced with the failure of this individual, we thought, that he deserved it, that they did not make enough effort, etc. And this kind of assumption has repercussions not only on a personal level but also on a collective level. I think we should try to be objective with ourselves and with others.
I was impressed by the part of the reading where Brother Ivers says that we attribute the negative things that happen to us to God. And I said to myself: It's true! but I learned that I have my choice to choose, sometimes bad things happen, but instead of attributing something or something to my misfortunes, maybe I just simply have to get up and ask myself what lesson I can learn from the bad and good things that happen in my life .